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Sunflower Community Garden Plot Registration

  • Cultivate your own fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
  • Connect with fellow gardeners and share knowledge, experiences, and harvests.
  • Enjoy a peaceful and serene outdoor environment right in your neighborhood.
  • Contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly community initiative.

About SCG

At Sunflower Community Garden, we believe in the power of gardening to bring people together, foster connections, and nourish both body and soul. Our garden provides a space for individuals and families to grow fresh, organic produce, learn new skills, and enjoy the beauty of nature right in our own backyard.


At Sunflower Community Garden, we're more than just a garden — we're a community. Join us as we cultivate friendships, nurture nature, and grow together. Together, we can sow the seeds of a brighter, greener future for all.

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